Record of the Dragon Lords

  • 709

    15 Caelidracon

    The Birth of the Cult of the Dragon Worshippers at the Roots of Yggdrasil
    Religious event

    At the base of Yggdrasil, where its roots can be found, the Father of All Dragons can be found, gnawing at the roots of the infinite tree to keep them from growing forever. This is Níðhöggr, Primus Draco, the origin of all the Draconic races, the Divine Dragons, the Olde Dragons, the Wyverns, and the Hýdras. It was here that an expedition of explorers came to discover his majesty and founded the city Draco Radix at the feet of Yggdrasil. This was the birth of the Cult that came to worship all the Dragon Races.   The Dragon Cultist eventually birthed the Pendragon Dynasty and the Camelot Kingdom, although the Cultist remained at the center of it all. They revere the Dragons as the kin of Primus Draco but do not directly worship Dragons. They primarily exist in a servent-master relationship with the great beasts and serve to protect them.

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  • 1739

    12 Caelidracon

    1 Draconius

    The Conquering Crusades and the Subjugation of the Universe
    Diplomatic action

    The Conquering Crusades are what they sound like, a nearly 900 Standard Imperial year-long series of campaigns launched by the Shepherd King DAVID, King Among Kings, against the entire Midgard Realm with the intent to bring it all under the rule of his new Imperium of the First Men. This Crusade was justified by the divine words engraved into the very DNA of the First Men, the first words they heard when born, imparted onto them by the 1st Name of God.

    Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the universe and subdue it. Rule over the stars in the cosmic sea, and over the myriad lifeforms that traverse the galaxies.
    Summus Imperator David established the House of Kings, his formal Clan which ruled the growing Imperium but he was also known as the Allfather, a playful term in reference to the myriad of children he sired, both legitimately and illegitimately, during the Crusades. Summus Imperator David honored all the illegitimate children he sired with the surname "David", which is why, to this day, the surname David is perhaps one of the most common and widely used throughout the cosmos, regardless of species, which speaks to the scale and violence of the Crusades.   They lasted 989 Years and ended on the planet Kachautania when the Dragon Lord, King Solomon Pendragon, slew Summus Imperator David and later signed a treaty with his successor, Summus Imperator Jedidiah "Solomon" David, called the Tractatus Salomonis (Treaty of the Solomons). The Tractatus Salomonis would not allow the Imperium, as it was at the time, to control more than 65% of the cosmos, which it did at the time.

  • 134439

    24 Fulgentis

    Woe Upon the Sons of Man, the Death of Arthur Pendragon at the Destruction of Camelot

    King Arthur Pendragon and his Round Table were struck with betrayal when the Black Legion, led by Sir Mordred le Fay, began an assault on the planet Draco Terra Britannia, the Seat of Power for the Camelot Kingdom. Mordred and his Black Knights pushed the Round Table and on the Field of Bones, Mordred slew Arthur Pendragon. The final battle shattered the surface of the planet and upon Arthur's defeat, the Black Legion glassed the world on the 24th of Fulgentis.   The Death of one of, if not the greatest Kings of Camelot and the destruction of the Camelot Seat of Power crippled the Dragon Knights. Many of the Dragons housed within the core of the world were lost during the battle and it severely weakened the Dragon Cultist. The war was already long but this defeat broke the resolve of many Dragon Knights and gave way to civil war and chaos.

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  • 135366

    2 Igniscale

    O! Billy the Hero Fells the Puppet King at World's End & the Birth of the Multiverse!
    Military: Battle

    At the World's End Realm, Legions of Heaven, Hordes of Hell, and the Armies of Man converge in a bid to seize control of the Chains of Fate and write the strands of destiny itself. They are held back by The Dragon Knights of Camelot while Billy The Hero descends into the Realm's core to face Master Geppetto, the King of Puppets, and his prized golem, Pinocchio-01.

    Billy fells Geppetto through great effort and destroys Pinocchio-01, finally laying the soul of Geppetto's son Prince Ulstano to rest. With victory won the Fates return to form, but Billy repels them and shatters destiny itself, shaking the entire cosmos to its core. It was all that held the infinite possibilities together into 1 static reality, and with it gone, the Multiverse as we know it is born.
    Billy would be hailed by The Muses, Goddesses of the Arts and Proclaimers of Heroes as a mythical figure and returned to Mars, dying under a plum tree in his family's garden.

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