Hahlar Arrowhead

Hahlar Arrowhead

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and lanky, with large feet and surprisingly strong arms.

Body Features

Big ole punchin' fists, lanky limbs, and fluffy fur.

Facial Features

Large floppy ears, wide eyes, and large, uneven teeth. He has a black patch of fur around his eye.

Special abilities

Rabbitfolk traits, though he has hardly trained to use them.

Apparel & Accessories

Common clothing, often made or adjusted by June. Started dressing nicer after June gifted him a lion's share of gold.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up with Sonia was a fun childhood filled with mischief and happiness, despite the alienation that this brought him. However, he always felt weak in comparison to others, especially Sonia, whom he looked up to. These feeling only got worse after she left, along with a sense of loneliness. He pushed himself try harder, to do better, and fell into more serious crime with his father, who was suffering from overwork as a Tunneler. He was killed and Warren covered for Hallah, strong-arming him into joining his thieves' guild. He's since made amends with Juniper and now works to assist her however he can.


Standard Moonbright education, bolstered by his love of research.


An initiate in The Scholar's Guild.

Failures & Embarrassments

Bullied growing up, leaving him with anxiety and feelings of inferiority.

Mental Trauma

  • Watched his father falter under the pressures of his employment, culminating in dying during a petty crime.
  • Essentially held hostage by Warren for quite a few months, forced into a hostile environment where he rarely felt safe.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes in justice and the virtues of knowledge, though he now finds himself questioning what those are. Prefers to focus on the simple part: Stopping the pain he endured from ever happening to anyone else.

Personality Characteristics


To help the Scapegoats liberate their home. To feel good enough to stand by Sonia.


Family Ties

Knows someone in the guild who's willing to assist them in printing their material.

Religious Views

Worships Luna a bit casually, as well as paying tribute to other gods. May turn to more ardent worship considering recent events.

Social Aptitude

Needs time to warm up to people before really connecting.


Tends to fidgeting and stuttering. Will punch if surprised.


Wealth & Financial state

Consistently gifted gold by June, as well as his work salary.

Juniper's sweet childhood friend. Dependable and earnest, working to help his friend and his home.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Current Status
Helping the party prepare for their next move.
Current Residence
A humble two room home on the edge of the Hill district.
Shiny silver, big and wide.
Light brown with a little cowlick curl.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fluffy cream colored fur.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Everyday I prayed for that man's death. But I never thought my prayers would be answered by you."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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