
Lycan are an ancient humanoid subspecies of lupine shapeshifters. The strongest and oldest of the Lycan shift from human form to a vicious, quadrupedal wolf. Younger through middle-aged Lycan shit from human forms to and equally vicious, bipedal lupine/canine form. Unlike werewolves, Lycan are not subject to the full moon but can shift whenever they want. Lycan hate being confused with werewolves and consider themselves socially superior to werewolves in every way, except that their strengths and weaknesses are identical. A Lycan’s eyes will glow bright orange when it is provoked or about to shape-shift to his lupine form. The arch-enemy of the Lycan is the Vampire. Interestingly, Lycan is both the singular and plural form of the word.  



Alpha Lycan

Gaius Acilius  

Other Lycan

Cyrus Latva Xander Malek Rex Tandroff  

Relation to Lucifer Morningstar

After the Battle for Supremacy, the Creator cast Lucifer and his followers to hell and the Earth. Those in support of Lucifer found themselves outcast and victim to Lucifer’s clever deception: he promised his followers greater glory in heaven, but omitted the part about overthrowing the Creator.   When Judgement came down upon us from the Creator, they were disappointed when Lucifer willing accepted his eternal banishment from Heaven. Cast out, the became enraged at their predicament and turned against Lucifer, hoping to please the Creator, but the angel-turned-demon used his newfound powers to twist the his followers into the demonic influences that manifested in popular mythologies around the world, including the Lycan. In addition, Lucifer turned his followers against each other so they could never, ever do what he did to the Creator.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

A human may be transformed into a Lycan by the willful bite of an Alpha Lycan.

Growth Rate & Stages

When a human is bit, it can anywhere from 24-72 hours for them to transform into Lycan.

Additional Information


Lycan had to evolve as the world modernized. As television, the news media, and technology developed over the past century, they found themselves facing exposure and feared a human-driven extinction level event similar to the witch hunts of the nineteenth century. They feared the humans would develop technologies to detect and mass-murder their kind. As such, the majority of Lycan have evolved beyond their predatory instincts. They figured out how to step back from their violent tendencies and focused their energies on the financial markets.

Facial characteristics

The eyes of a Lycan give off an eerie orange glow when they are unmasked or using their powers.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Preternatural Senses, Regeneration, Shapeshifting, Supernatural Perception (Limited)  


  Enhanced muscular-skeletal structure, strength, hearing, sense of smell, visual acuity  


  Angels & Archangels (death), High-Frequency Noise, Holy Ground, Moon Cycles, Mountain Ash/Rowan, Silver, Wolfsbane

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Modern Lycan focusetheir energies on the financial markets. Much of Nothing's funds, uncluding those of Sandor Van Kilrich and his friends, are amassed with the Lycan financial organizations, some of which, like old money, is hidden from the governments of the world.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Lycanthrope
Immortal, but can be killed.


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