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Eliander Fireborn

Commander Eliander Fireborn

Eliander Fireborn is the half-orc commander of the Neverwinter Guard garrison in Saltmarsh.  


  Born in Neverwinter's predominately orcish neighborhoods, Eliander quickly joined the Neverwinter Guard when it was reformed in 1469, quickly rising through the ranks to become a commander.   During the Great Dragon War, Eliander command a gurad squadron during both the Battle of Hardbuckler and the Battle at the Well of Dragons. During the latter battle, Eliander's squad was engulfed in the flames from a red dragon, but Eliander miraculously survived with minor burns, earning him his epithet.   In 1493, Eliander was chosen to command the detachment of the Neverwinter Guard send to garrison Saltmarsh, driving back the sea prince raiders that had been terrorizing the coast for years. After driving off the pirates, the guard stayed in Saltmarsh, slowly becoming the town's defacto guard and police force, a position traditionally held by the mariner militia.   By 1496, Eliander was well established in town and had grown quite fond of Saltmarsh's quiet hustle and bustle, but he was still a staunch Emberist, advocating for increasing the town's economic and political ties to Neverwinter.   In 1496, when the Saltmarsh Town Council was made aware of an imminent sahuagin threat against Saltmarsh, Eliander worked with the guard to increase patrols, and led the guard during the Battle of the Spire alongside the other members of the Dunwater Alliance to stop the sahuagin menace.   Shortly after the Battle of the Spire, Eliander was inflicted with a Banesmark, a magical symbol allowing the aboleth S'gothgah to control him. During this time, Eliander became a much bigger advocate of his Emberist positions, increasing tensions in the town. However, the threat he posed was neutralized when the Heroes of Saltmarsh convinced the town the Banesmark was actually a dangerous Shadowfell parasite, resulting in all the afflicted townsfolk being quarantined.   In Hammer of 1497, once the Banesmark Crisis was resolved, members of the Blackstaves removed the Banesmark from all Marshers that had them, including Eliander, leaving them with only a vague sense of the actions they had done while under its sway.


Contacts & Relations

Eliander maintains a respectable opinion of the various Marshers and Traditionalists in Saltmarsh, especially Tom and Will Stoutly, who oversee the town's mariner militia, though the Stoutlys and Eliander do disagree on overall town governance.   Eliander is also close with Krag, the town's gravekeeper and unofficial historian and librarian, and the two often meet to exchange or discuss books.   Before the Banesmark Crisis, Eliander didn't get along all that well with Necian Arrzen, as the two disagreed heavily on the nature of authority, but that stance softened following all that Necian did to help save the town as one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by James' RPG Art
Character Portrait image: by Ashley


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