Tanit System

The Tanit System is at the furthest extent of human exploration and colonization, located in the Outer Arm of the Milky Way. Discovered in 2200, by 2350 it was a successful if distant colony system. The Tanit System is notable for its three habitable bodies, Tanit II (New Carthage), and two of Tanit III's (Thapsus) moons, Carteia and Barcino.


Tanit itself is a young yellow star, orbited by an asteroid belt, two rocky planets (New Carthage and Oea), a second asteroid belt, a gas giant (Utica), and a an ice giant (Alalia). New Carthage is precisely in the Goldilocks zone of the system, making it the most habitable of the three available places.
Solar System
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

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