Edena Ji




//::Edena Ji is Patience’s attaché, the colonial administrator’s chief operations officer and righthand woman. A second-generation colonist, Edena is Patience’s second COO and has been in this role for a decade. She is a competent, level-headed, and devoted company woman who is exceptionally aware of who is in charge and what she needs to do to guarantee her continued ascent. To that end, she works with single-minded devotion to ensure that Patience’s will is carried out. Edena’s knowledge of Evergreen and its citizenry is unparalleled; so too is her knowledge of The Gray Towns. She defends the unofficial settlements from Patience’s desire to see them “cleaned up” – they may not be legal, but they are helpful (and not for nothing, they are far easier targets for the raiders to attack than Evergreen, and worth keeping around for that reason).   Edena has no living family. Her parents were killed in the earliest raids and her children are currently being grown in cold storage. She lives in the small domestic quarter of the Governor’s Farm, where she is, now, rarely encountered outside of the main administrative buildings. She works seemingly around the clock. Her decision making tends to be strictly utilitarian, but there are moments where her strict “will this benefit Evergreen?” calculus falls in favor of a deeply buried humanitarian streak. This streak is always in opposition to her outward demeanor, and seems to always be followed by a reflexive course correction.//  


//::Edena has an ultimate advisory role over Patience’s cycling schedule and is in contact with the board of Landmark Corporate via the omninet.
Edena files quarterly reports on the happenings in Evergreen for Landmark Colonial.
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