Nomad's Federation

Nomad's Federation


Unity Amidst Diversity

The Nomad's Federation is a collective of nomadic fleets hailing from various corners of the Horizon. Comprising families, clans, bloodlines, alliances, and tribes with nomadic heritage, the Federation's members have faced mounting pressure due to the aggressive expansion of other factions. While most nomads in the Federation originate from the Quadrant of the Pillar, the Rimward Reach, or Nharmada, it also includes groups like the Kyhber swarm from Algol, the salvage nomads from Odacon, and the Jebel and Chambi clans from Melik. The faction's primary objective is to bolster the nomadic way of life against the encroachment of other factions, particularly since the establishment of Coriolis as a central hub. Abyeia Goharshûd, a Quadrant mogul descendant of Housyan blood, serves as the Federation's spokesperson on Coriolis. Originally a member of the Free League, she championed the nomad cause within the League before a falling out led her and her allies to work independently on Coriolis. The need for a representative at the Council grew urgent, prompting rival clans and families to support Goharshûd's campaign for a Council seat.  

New Policies and Demands

The Federation's stance on Council matters remains uncertain, but it is likely to include demands for equal recognition of nomadic culture compared to other peoples. The nomads also intend to act as political opposition to the Zenithian factions, viewing themselves as the original inhabitants of the Horizon. In the popular assembly on Coriolis, the nomads insist that Zenithians respect ancient laws and decrees, demands that have garnered newfound importance. The Zenithian factions initially disregarded these requests, but they now regret this indifference. With the nomads emerging as a potent force in the popular assembly, they demand a seat on the Council of Factions, threatening to disrupt Consortium trade in the Quadrant of the Pillar, Free League activities in the Nharmada system, and a collective strike against prospectors in the Rimward Reach. These threats are taken seriously due to the formidable armada the nomads could deploy if needed.  

Internal Challenges

Despite their unity in the Federation, internal issues loom large. Divisions stemming from generations of feuding tribes hinder a unified front, and conflicting class interests threaten to divide the faction. Goharshûd faces the challenge of uniting the diverse nomads. For example, nomads from the Quadrant of the Pillar, represented by Osman Naqsh-i-Jahan, prioritize politics related to the Miran route over broader matters. The Rimward Reach swarms, represented by Urcia Kabu, have directly experienced Zenithian influence, advocating for Federation inclusion on the Council. Qur Farabi the Blind, the envoy for the Housyan line, seeks Free League aid to establish trade agreements with The Consortium and promotes engaging with other Horizon cultures through education and compassion. The faction's internal dynamics may be perplexing for outsiders, as the most influential voice can vary over time. Language differences within the Federation add another layer of complexity to the situation.  

Support and Opposition

The "nomad question" has become contentious, exacerbated by the Emissary receiving an observer seat on the Council of Factions, an opportunity that has eluded the nomads. The Nomad Federation finds support among several Firstcome factions that believe the Federation should have been represented on the Council from the beginning. Ahlam's Temple and The Draconites also endorse the Federation's claims, having enjoyed profitable trade relations with the nomads for some time. However, not all Firstcome factions share this view. The Order of the Pariah severed official communication with the Federation after the attack on the nomad Tanziamat clan on Zalos-B. Zenithian factions, including The Consortium and to some extent, the Free League, view the nomads as potential competitors and remain suspicious. The Legion is wary of the Federation's naval strength, while the Zenithian Hegemony has yet to take a clear stance on the nomads. In the world of politics, strategy is paramount.  

A Formidable Fleet

The Nomad's Federation commands the largest fleet in the Horizon, though a significant portion consists of civilian ships spread across numerous systems. Recent reports suggest the nomads have begun forming larger armed convoys. Suhaima Taslim voiced concerns on a Bulletin show, stating that if the nomad fleet continues militarization, The Legion may be compelled to respond. Goharshûd countered by highlighting increased corsair activity along nomad routes, driven by Consortium bulk haulers reaching poorer systems, displacing local traders, and forcing people into piracy. Relations between the Federation and The Legion have since soured.

Geopolitical, Great house