Io̊me̖r̗fk O̊lsi̊ Deepsingers (Ih-O-merf-k O-ls-Eye)

  Legends speak of great monsters which are only found deep within the mountains and the Great forest. Known to Humanity as Deepsingers, their songs echo throughout the remote parts of the world on new and full moon. The few who have claimed to see a Deepsinger and lived to tell the tale regale their villages and friends with a horrific sight, a massive, upwards of 13ft, greyskinned, Kmo̖i̗ Hlū Cold Ones with massive horns which reverberate their song into the heavens as it chants its hunting song, tearing through entire groves of sheep and cattle. Others speak of sneaking up upon a group of Deepsingers, who seemed to be no more taller than a Human. Lastly, the odd insane traveler sometimes claims to have found the "King" of the Deepsingers, a massive behemoth, sometimes as tall as 25ft, though most scholars of the world's peoples doubt this.   What is known though, is that on certain years, when winter comes, if a Deepsinger's song is heard on the wind, it means the Season of Earthquakes has come, as the Deepsingers can be heard singing by all near the mountains. Why they sing is unknown, only that they do, and it brings a great shaking with it.   The Deepsingers did not start appearing until after the return of the Light-Veined in 1 Yso, meaning that they have never seen a world without the Songstone.   Literally written in Modern Frann these monsters are called Greatforeigner Singers, as the Fsibn Goblin have called them that, though many Humans prefer to call them Deepsingers for ease.
Genetic Ancestor(s)