Ahura Boltagon

Prince Ahura Boltagon

Ahura Boltagon was only child of King Blackagar and Queen Medusalith, and heir to the throne of Attilan. He was born without the approval of the Genetic Council, the first child of the House of Agon to be so in over two hundred years.

He died on his eighteenth birthday, from complications while undergoing Terrigenesis. His death became highly politicised, as there were those who believed it was judgement on his parents for their un-arranged marriage, a view encouraged by several senior members of the Genetic Council.

Date of Birth
14th February 1995
Date of Death
14th February 2013
1995 CE 2013 CE 18 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died due to complications while undergoing Terrigenesis
Place of Death
Terrigenesis Chambers, Attilan
Attilanian Secular Religion

Author's Note

Ahura is a comics-canon character, who is never mentioned in the Inhumans TV show. Adding him into canon as part of Medusa and Black Bolt's backstory didn't contradict anything, and helped explain why so many people were so willing to turn against Black Bolt during Maximus's rebellion, since in a culture as detirminedly eugenecist as Attilan, losing a child (especially during terrigenesis) would be seen as a personal failing. His death is also such a huge part of modern 616!Black Bolt and Medusa's relationship, this constant unspoken shadow over every interaction, that writing them without it just felt out of character.