Inhuman Royal Family

The House of Agon was the ruling family of the Kingdom of Attilan, founded by King Agon I.

Following the fall of Attilan during Maximus Boltagon's coup, first Blackagar Boltagon and later Medusalith Amaquelin lead New Attilan. However, they were eventually ousted by a popular uprising, and the possition of King of the Inhumans was replaced by the elected President of New Attilan.

The surviving members of the family remain important cultural and political figures in Providincian culture, although only Karnak Mandazur holds an official government position. 


The first King of the Inhumans was Agon, who lead the anscestors of the Attilanian Inhumans to the Moon after the Unspoken drove off the Kree from Earth.

Using Kree technology, Agon and his followers constructed a dome on the dark-side of the moon, with air and water filtration systems to sustain life, and began constructing the city of Attilan.

Over the three millennia that followed, Agon's descendants ruled over Attilan. The only serious challenge to their power came from the Genetic Council, who were empowered by Sybak I from an advisory role to arguably weilding more power than the Royal Family.

Although they maintained a policy of isolation towards Earth, rarely communicating even with the similarly ancient Inhuman civilisations of Orollan and Utollan, they built friendly relations with the other races which made up the Universal Inhumans.

During the reign of Blackagar Boltagon, the King's apparently unpowered brother Prince Maximus staged a coup, banishing his brother and cousins to Earth, and dispatching members of the Royal Guard to kill them.

Although Blackagar and his family were able to defeat Maximus, Maximus chose to destroy the dome which protected Attilan from the void of space. The Royal family lead an exacuation to Earth, but where not able to prevent the destruction of Attilan.

On earth, King Blackagar lead the Attilanian refugees as they worked with Avengers Idea Mechanics to construct Providence Island and founded New Attilan. However when it was revealed the Maximus had not only survived, but had devised a method of amplifying this powers sufficiently to be able to mind-control others, Blackagar was deposed by his wife Medusalith Amaquelin (who, as a first cousin of Blackagar, was also a member of the House of Agon and in line for the throne) who became Queen Regnant of the Inhumans.

Despite the transfer of power, the increasing NuHuman population of New Attilan opposed the existence of an absolute monarchy, and enough of the surviving Attilanians had lost faith in the House of Agon that Medusalith was ousted by a popular uprising, and New Attilan declared itself to be a republic, creating the New Attilan Parliament and electing a President.

Although no longer holding political power (Medusalith retains the title of Queen of the Inhumans, but her power extends only over the ruins of Attilan, and she has declared that the title will die with her), seven members of the House of Agon survive, and they remain important figures in Providincian culture.
Founding Date
1100 BCE
Political, Family
Alternative Names
House of Agon
Family Leader
Controlled Territories
Related Plots
Surviving Members
Black Bolt
Crystal Amaquelin
Gorgon Petragon
Maximus the Mad
Triton Mandazur

Articles under Inhuman Royal Family

Agon Boltagon
Character | Jan 9, 2024

Father of Black Bolt & Maximus

Ahura Boltagon
Character | Jan 11, 2024

Son of Black Bolt & Medusa

Ambur Kobala
Character | Jan 9, 2024

Mother of Medusa & Crystal

Azur Kobala
Character | Jan 9, 2024

Mother of Karnak & Triton

Blackagar Boltagon <WIP>
Character | Jan 9, 2024

Former King of the Inhumans

Crystal Amaquelin
Character | Jan 9, 2024

Head of the Inhuman Outreach Program

Gorgon Petragon <WIP>
Character | Dec 25, 2023

Cousin of Black Bolt & Medusa

Karnak Mandazur <WIP>
Character | Dec 25, 2023

Inhuman Attache to the Congress of Realms

King / Queen Regnant of the Inhumans
Rank/Title | Jul 3, 2022
Kobar Rovall
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Grandfather of Karnak & Medusa

Korath Boltagon
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Father of Gorgon & Former Regent of Attilan

La Hurinar
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Grandmother of Karnak & Medusa

Magnar Hurinar
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Grandfather of Black Bolt & Karnak

Mander Magnata
Character | Dec 25, 2023

Father of Triton & Karnak

Milena Petralon
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Mother of Gorgon

Queen / Prince-Consort of the Inhumans
Rank/Title | Jul 3, 2022
Quelin Petralon
Character | Dec 25, 2023

Father of Medusa & Crystal

Rynda Magnata
Character | Dec 25, 2023

Mother of Black Bolt & Maximus

Symak Boltagon
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Grandfather of Black Bolt & Maximus

Tanith Hurinar
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Grandmother of Black Bolt & Maximus

Triton Mandazur
Character | Dec 25, 2023

Brother of Karnak & Cousin of Black Bolt

Zeta Phylagon
Character | Jan 10, 2024

Grandmother of Black Bolt & Karnak