Attilan Settlement in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil


Attilan was the capital and only city of the Kingdom of Attilan, an Inhuman micronation on the Moon.

The city was founded in the 11th Century BCE by a group of Inhumans who used surviving Kree technology to reach and colonise the moon, in order to escape persecution on Earth.

The city was enclosed in a dome which contained the breathable air. During Maximus Boltagon's attempted coup d'état, the dome was damaged and the population of the city was forced to evacuate. It is estimated that 78 people were killed, though exact numbers are impossible to detirmine as the main cause of death was seismic instability in the mines, and exact records of the Ward population did not survive.

The city was self-sustaining, utilising water recycling, hydroponics, and Kree air purifying technology to live almost entirely cut off from the Earth.

In 2017, Eric Selvig lead an Avengers Idea Mechanics expidition to the ruins of Attilan, becoming the first non-Astronaut to set foot on the moon (excluding the native population of Attilan). This expidition was the first in an ongoing study of the history and technology of Attilan.

2016 CE

Founding Date
1100 BCE
2,150 (est.)
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Professions
Related Plots
Former Residents
Ahura Boltagon
Blackagar Boltagon
Crystal Amaquelin
Gorgon Petragon
Karnak Mandazur
Maximus Boltagon
Medusalith Boltagon
Triton Mandazur 

Articles under Attilan