Artifial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligences, commonly abbreviated to A.I, are any non-organic artificially created sapient being, and can include computer programmes and digital beings, robots, androids and synthezoids, and even some cyborgs.

The term is also used in a more general sense to refer to any programme capable of learning, but they are not considered to fit the species classification of A.I. unless they demonstrate self awarness and human-like intelligence.

The subject of what consistutes 'human-like intelligence' and where the line should be drawn between neural nets, learning software, and true A.I. is still unclear, and has been the subject of much academic, legal and political debate, especially since the Vision because the first non-organic being to be recognised as a citizen of any nation. As the number of known A.I.s expands, these debates are increasingly being led by A.I. themselves.

It has been proposed that once the number increases to more than a handful of individuals, the term A.I. may become ultimately obselete, as the very different needs and experiences of those who fall under the umbrella make classification more complex.
Genetic Descendants
Notable Individuals
Plex Intelligence 
Supreme Intelligence LIX 

Articles under Artifial Intelligence