Androids & Synthezoids

An android is a robot or other artificial non-organic being designed to resemble a human, possessing true A.I. While other types of A.I. may have access to a physical body they can use (for example, JARVIS has been shown to be capable of used Iron Man Suits as bodies when necessary) an Android is primarily confined to their body in much the same way a human conciousness is confined to their physical body.

The first known Android was created by Dr Phinneas Horton and exhibited at the first Stark Expo. This being, dubbed the 'Human Torch' was intended for use in firefighting during the war, but proved unpopular due to the high construction costs and lack of field testing. In addition, there is some debate as to whether Horton's Torch was actually opperational, and a persistant rumour both at the time and since was that the Torch was actually a costume, worn by a down on his luck carnival performer called Jim Hammond.

The first known instance of a verifiably sapient android is considered to be Ultron.

Synthozoid is a term originally conied by Dr Henry Pym in a 1979 paper on the limitations of robotics to indicate a special type of android, also known as a "synthetic humanoid" robot. They are replicas of the human body, containing analogues to virtually all human organs, brain, blood, and tissue, composed of a synthetic organic-like substance. The Vision has confirmed that he he identifies as a synthezoid rather than an android, despite being primarily made of metal, due to his internal structure.

Vision is also notable as the first known instance of an A.I. created by another A.I, rather than by an organic being.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Known Individuals