Book of Cagliostro

The Book of Cagliastro is an unusual book. It is primarily an autobiography, recounting the life and magical career of the sorcerer known as Cagliastro. However, interspersed with the autobiographical elements are passages copied from a number of other powerful spellbooks, including the Darkhold, spells Cagliastro had learned or invented, philosophical and theological musings, and several recipes.

The book is protected by the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Although several of Cagliastro's spells are part of the standard training for novices, the book itself is off-limits to all but the most senior masters due to a number of spells relating to sensitive topics, including immortality, dimensional travel, and the extra-dimensional being known as Dormammu. 

The dating of the book is a matter of dispute. References to it are found as early as the Roman republic, but the recipes are primarily in the style of 18th century Florentine cooking. The most common theory is that Cagliastro, who was believed to have achieved immortality via his connection to the Dark Dimension, continued to edit the book throughout his life. This is supported by the narrative style, which changes several times over the book. The current Kamar-Taj Librarian, Zelma Stanton, has compared the autobiographical sections to Tristram Shandy.

Several pages relating to Dormammu, the Dark Dimension, and immortality, were stolen by the Zealots. They are believed to have been on Kaecilius's person when he was banished to the Dark Dimension, as the Masters have been unable to locate them.
Item type
Book / Document
Current Location
Owning Organization