Dark Dimension

The Dark Dimension is a dimension ruled by Dormammu, who was exiled there by the other members of his species, the Faltine. 

What is referred to as the Dark Dimension is in fact only the largest splinter of the fractured realm that was once called Subwhere, now commonly called the Archipelago of Anguish and Redemption. It is connected to the Winding Way, the Boreas Dimension, Nightmare, and the Realm of Mephisto (sometimes called Hell).

The Dark Dimension is a three dimensional realm, as time does not pass there. For this reason many spells which extent human life draw on the timeless magic of the Dark Dimension. Due to the threat of Dormamu, and the danger posed by many of the other Splinter Realms connected to it, magic which draws on the Dark Dimension is usually considered black magic, and is forbidden by the Masters of the Mystic Arts and many other magical bodies.

The Dark Dimension is the source of the Darkforce (sometimes called Dark Matter, although there is considerable debate as to whether Darkforce is the same as Dark Matter as understood by physicists).

Spliter Realm
Alternative Name(s)
Darkforce Dimension | Dread Dimension
Dimensional, Pocket
Characters in Location