Zelma Stanton

Zelma Stanton

Zelma Stanton is a sorceror and librarian, and the current keeper of the House of Wisdom.

She first discovered magic when going to Stephen Strange for assistance with a magical parasite. When Strange had to leave to deal with an attack by Shuma-Gorath, she explored the New York Sanctum and discovered the library had been badly neglected. While waiting for Strange to return, she began cataloguing the magical books, and on his return, he offered her a job.

During the invasion of Earth by the Empirikul , she was able to save a number of irreplacable magical texts. She was instrumental in the defeat of the Eyebots and Witchfinder Wolves, being the one to identify and cast the spell which ultimately destroyed them.

Following the victory, she was offered and accepted the possition of Kamar-Taj Librarian. She is also undergoing magical training under the tutalage of a number of senior Masters and powerful sorcerors, including Wong, August Wu, Stephen Strange, and Jericho Drumm.

Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1990 CE 28 Years old
Current Residence
The Bronx, New York City
Aligned Organization