Butcher Squadron

The Butcher Squadron were a special operations unit in Thanos's Armies , primarily carrying out assassinations.

When Thanos first adopted Gamora, the Butcher Squadron attacked her, seeking to test her courage and combat skills. As punishment for this, Thanos personally killed the then-leader of the Squadron, Ballista Grim.

Blaming Gamora for the loss of their leader, the Squadron plotted their revenge, and in 1989, when Gamora was 20 (considered a pre- or young teen by Zehoberei standards), the Squadron kidnapped her when Thanos was away from Sanctuary II . However, they where not prepared for the intensity of training Gamora had been forced to endure, and she was able to kill Infesti Macera, the first life she had taken, and escape.

The surviving members of the Squadron were captured and executed by Thanos for their role in the kidnapping.

Member Fate
Ballista Grim Killed by Thanos
Ferox Executed on Thanos's orders
Gh'Ree Blood Executed on Thanos's orders
Infesti Macera Killed by Gamora
R'Hos Blood Executed on Thanos's orders
Dissolution Date
Military, Special Operations Force
Parent Organization