Captain Swain

Captain Jovana Swain

Jovana Swain is an Inhuman, originally from Attilan. She left the city as a child when her parents were sent as diplomats to Kymellia II. She was educated among the children of the White Room, and elected not to return to Attilan when her parents were recalled.

She worked as a pilot and translator, primarily among the homeworlds of the Universal Inhumans. Though she retained communication with her parents, she did not return to Attilan as she was uncomfortable with the way the culture opperated.

When Queen Medusa decided to leave Earth in search of a new source of Terrigen, Swain's parents asked her to join the mission, which she agreed to.

As the expidition pilot, she was with the Royal Inhuman Expidition when they located the World Garden and encountered the Progenitors.

After the battle against the Progenitors, she briefly visited New Attilan to see her parents, but chose to return to Centauri IV, in order to be with her girlfriend.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Swain appears to be a normal human, except for a short prehensile tail.

Special abilities

Swain possesses empathetic and telepathic abilities, which allow her to both read a person's history, and nudge their thoughts and emotions in a direction of her choosing. While she can use this conciously, it can also happen unconciously.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Swain works as a free-lance pilot and translator. She often transports paying passengers, primarily between the the homeworlds of the Universal Inhumans.


Contacts & Relations

Due to her abilities, she finds it extremely difficult to form platonic or romantic relationships, as she has no way of knowing how much of the other person's feeling are genuine, and how much are the result of her abilities.

She is in a sexual relationship with Panacea, an Incentaurian who lost the ability to feel most emotions following Isogenesis, though the relationship is strained due too Panacea's inability to feel the same affection for Swain that Swain feels for her.

Family Ties

Her parents survived the fall of Attilan, and now live on New Attilan.


Year of Birth
1993 CE 25 Years old
Current Residence
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Inhuman (native), Kymellian (fluent), Centauran (fluent), Badoon (proficient), Wraith-marks (proficient), Kree (proficient), English (learner)