
Kree-Lar was the capital city of the Kree throneworld, Hala, under both the Kree Empire and the Kree Imperium.

Prior to the destruction of Hala during the Phalanx Crisis, Kree-Lar was the largest city in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy.

It was the centre of government, housing the Database (home to many of the Supreme Intelligences), the Imperial Palace, and the headquarters of the Kree Navy, Starforce, and the Pursuer and Accuser Corps. Although the Kree prized technological advancement, Kree-Lar contained a number of important historic sites, such as the Temple of the Gods of Pama and the Imperial Library. The University of Pama's main campus was located in the city.
Inhabitant Demonym
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Included Locations

Articles under Kree-Lar