Dire Wraiths

A species created by Kree Primagen experiments on the Skrull.

They are believed to be the oldest of the Universal Inhuman species, and are by far the most diverged from their parent species. Prior to undergoing Terrigenesis, it would be impossible to tell a Human from an Inhuman without genetic testing, while there are some who dispute the relationship between the Skrull and Dire Wraiths, despite historical documentation and genetic testing which proves the link, due to the stark visual differences between them.

On attaining physical maturity, Dire Wraith youths are exposed to Exogen, a Primagen derivative similar to Terrigen, and undergo Exogenesis, which usually leads to the individual developing supernatural abilities.

Exogesis means there is considerable variation between individual members of the species; descriptions given are of typical or frequently occuring biological traits.

Basic Information


Dire Wraiths may be bipedal or quadripedal, depending on family lineage and exogenic mutation.
Their skin is loose, attaching to the underlying muscle in only a few key locations - primarily the top of the head, shoulders, and hips - creating a distinctive 'saggy' look.

They have three wide-spread digits on each of their hands and feet, ending in nerve-dense pads. These pads produce a glucous substance which makes them skicky, making picking up and manipulating objects easier. Most Dire Wraiths can use the digits on all their limbs with equal dexterity, and do not distinguish between hands and feet, although there are slight anotomical differences in even quadripedal Dire Wraiths, due to their being decended from a humanoid race.

Most Dire Wraiths have tails. These are typically about half the length of the Dire Wraith's body, and have limited movement, although increased movement is a common exogenic mutation.

Biological Traits

Like their parent species, the Dire Wraiths are shape-shifters, capable of imitating almost any life-form which has the same or similar mass.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Dire Wraiths have two eyes, usually yellow in colour. They have pupils, but due to a protective reflective film which covers the entire eye, the pupil is visible only in very low light.

They have four appendages on their faces, called upper and lower br'bin. The upper br'bin have been compared to manibles on incectoid species, and are used in eating. The lower br'bin which attach to the chin, creating a distinctive 'bearded' appearance, and have a similar range of movement to their digits, although they lack the muscular strength.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

In the early years of the Kree-Skrull War, the Skrullian government drove the Dire Wraiths from the Skrull Empire, believing they were conspiring with the enemy. The survivors settled in the Dark Nebula, on the planet now known as Wraithworld.

Dire Wraiths are almost unknown outside Wraithworld, due to their insullar religious beliefs.
Home Galaxy
Dark Nebula
Home System
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dire Wraiths range in colour from dark red or maroon to vivid orange, with a reddish-orange teracotta colour being the most common. Their colouring is consistent, without patterns or markings, and they do not have body hair of any kind.
Related Organizations

Author's Note

I'm combining two species together here, the Dire Wraiths and the Direst Wraiths. The Dire Wraiths are a skrull offshoot, but their origin is magical rather than scientific. They were then subjected to primagen experiments to create the Direst Wraiths. But Direst Wraiths is maybe the stupidest species name in all of comics, and we also know very little about them except that they exist and have a queen called Avoe, so I decided to cut out the middle-species entirely, and just combine the Dire and Direst Wraiths together into a single specis.