Kree-Skrull Hybrids

Individuals who share both Kree and Skrull parentage. Due to biological differences between the two species, in order for a foetus to survive, it must have a Kree father and Skrull mother, as the Skrull shapeshifting ability can compensate for the biological incompatibility between mamals and reptiles.

Due to the political power of the legend of Dorrek Supreme (the son of prominent Kree and Skrull generals), both the Kree Empire and the Kree Imperium made interbreeding between the two races illegal. Hybrids who were not able to escape Kree-space would frequently be arrested on false charges, or simply disappear. They also were (and still are) the subject of intense prejudice, among both the Kree and Skrulls.

Persistent rumours exist that Genis-Vell had had a child with a Skrull Princess (likely Princess Annelle) while on a mission during the Kree-Skrull War. It is likely that this was a rumour created in order to discredit Genis-Vell during his reign, but if it were true, the baby would arguably be the true heir to both the Kree and Skrull thrones.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Each individual will have a different combinations of characteristics from their parents. Skin may be green, blue, or pink, and offspirng may inherit the distinctive Skrull chin grooves. Some individuals inherit the Skrull ability to shape-shift, although this is not true in all cases.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

A group of Kree-Skrull Hybrids, known as the Knights of the Infinite, exists to guard the Star-Sword, and to give it to the heir of Dorrek Supreme, if one were to appear.

Historical Figures

Dorrek I, commonly known as Dorrek Supreme, was the first recorded Kree-Skrull Hybrid, the son of Skrull War-Queen Ryg'a and Kree ultra-warrior Soh-Larr. (He was almost certainly not the first to be born, but given the political climate at the time, any such babies would not be recorded if it could be avoided. Dorrek's birth was likely only recorded because of the political positions of his parents). His parents were Generals during the first Kree-Skrull war who, according to legend, met and fell in love on the battlefield.

As an adult, Dorrek I began gathering other Kree-Skrull Hybrids, forming the order of the Knights of the Infinite with the intention of uniting the two empires. As part of this mission, he had the ancestral swords of his parents reforged into a single blade, which would become known as the Star-Sword.

Dorrek's vision never came to fruition, and he was killed in battle. The surviving Knights of the Infinite retrieved the Star-Sword before it could be claimed as a war-prize by the Kree, and continue to guard it to this day.

Common Myths and Legends

Although a verifiable historical figure, Dorrek Supreme became the subject of many myths among Kree-Skrull Hybrids. The most powerful, and most enduring, is that he will one day be reincarnated as a hero who will finally succeed in uniting the two cultures.

The Knights of the Infinite consider it their responsibility to protect the Star-Sword until it can be claimed by the re-incarnated Dorrek.

When the myth that Genis-Vell and the Skrull princess Amelle had had a son first surfaced, many believed that this child would be the reborn Dorrek, and some still believe this despite the lack of evidence that such a child exists.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Home Galaxy(s)
Large Magellanic Cloud
Known Individuals
Dorrek Supreme

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents: