
Faltine, or Faltinians, are extra-dimensional energy beings born from pure Magic. They exist in a realm of their own, also called the Faltine.

The best known member of the species, Dormammu, left Faltine for the Dark Dimension and as such, little is known about their native environment.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Faltine can change their own size seemingly without limit, suggesting any physical form is the result of their matter-manipulation powers and their true form is one of energy only.

Faltine are natural magic users, able to instinctively use magic for a variety of purposes, including; astral projection, teleportation, matter transmutation and manipulation, energy projection and absorbtion, elemental control, and even time travel.

Genetics and Reproduction

Faltine can spawn new members of their species, but these new Faltine are identical to their parent, suggesting reproduction is asexual. However according to legend Dormamu and his twin sister Umar were not clones of their parent.

In additition, the Faltine are known to be able to interbreed with humans, as Clea is the daughter of a faltine and a human sorceror.

Due to their high levels of magical power, accurate conclusions are almost impossible to draw, as any deviations from the norm may be magical rather than biological.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Faltine are shown to require a very high level of background magic - both their native Faltine and the Dark Dimension are magical in nature, and the Vishanti record that Dormamu was significantly less powerful on the one known instance of his travelling to Earth.

Average Height
Average Weight
Notable Individuals
Umar the Unrelenting