Clea <WIP>

Lady Clea of Boreas

She is the daughter of Watoomb, a human Magic User who rose to become one of The Lords of the Splinter Realms, and Umar the Unrelenting, a member of the Faltine and sister of Dormammu.

When the Many-Angled Ones began to break out of the Outer Darkness, she worked with Stephen Strange to obtain the Wings of Needless Sorrow and sever the Outer Darkness from the Winding Way, sealing Shuma-Gorath and the other Old Ones inside.

Physical Description

Special abilities

She is an extremely powerful Magic User, capable of astral projection, dimensional travel, and flight, among other abilities. She has studied the Wyldling Way under the Weaver Witches, and energy manipulation under Balthakk of the Octessence.

As a Human-Faltine Hybrid, she can summon and control the flames of the Faltine.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Current Residence
Royal Palace, Boreas Dimension