
Hanuman (a.k.a. The White Gorilla)

Hanuman the god of judgment and strength of the Wakandan Pantheon.

The name Hanuman is a relatively recent addition to his lore. Before the 1500s, he was called always Ghekre, which is believed to be a corruption of Gbekre, the God of Judgement in the Baule pantheon of Cote d'Ivore and Ghana. Some scholars have also connected him to the Ekang god Ngi.

A monolotrous sect of the Wakandan Native Religion, the Inkola Ghekre, worships only Hanuman, although they acknoledge the existence of the other Orisha. The sect is found primarily in the Jibari-Lands, as the Jabari count Hanuman as an ancestor.

Divine Domains

Judgement, judges, executioners (historic), strength. The Jibari Tribe.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Gorillas, especially silverbacks and albino gorillas.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of the Inkola Ghekre follow a strict code of ethics, which emphasises equality, justice, and honesty. Worshippers of Hanuman are usually (although not always) vegetarian.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Invoked for physical and emotional strength. He is also invoked for wisdom, especially when faced with difficult decisions.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization