Wakandan Native Religion

The state religion of Wakanda.

The Wakandan religion is polytheistic, worshipping seven Orisha. It is a synthesis of several African religions, sharing deities with the faith of Ancient Egypt, Yoruba, Ekang, and Baule religion, and Hinduism, although it also has several unique features.

It is an ethno-religion, inherently tied to Wakandan identity. The Black Panther, the protector of Wakanda (and usually also the King or heir to the throne) is also the high-priest of the goddess Bast. Several tribes consider themselves to be direct descendants of the Orisha.

Although followers honour all the Orisha, most Wakandans focus their worship on one, and would identify themselves as belonging to the inkola (usually translated as cult or sect) of a particular orisha, such as the Inkola Nkente of Sekhmet. Members of most Inkola still honour the festivals of other Orisha, though to a lesser degree, and will make offerings or say prayers to them when they require assistance with something that falls within that Orisha's scope of influence.

The exception to this is the Inkola Ghekre, which is notable for being monolotrous. Members acknolodge the existence of the other Orisha but worship only Hanuman, and do not participate in any festivals or make offerings to the other Orisha.

Mythology & Lore

According to myth, the first Wakandans worshipped the sky-father Nyami, who interacted with the people through seven (or in older versions, eight) intercessors. Nyami sent the rains, protected the land, judged sinners, gave victory in war, inspired artists and craftsmen, made the moon rise and set, and guided the souls of the dead to their rest.

Initially Nyami cared for the humans, but over time he grew greedy and cruel, demanding that the people spend more and more time praying, and offered larger and larger sacrifices. Eventually, he decided to stop sending rains, so that the people's crops and animals would die, and they would spend all their time praying to him instead of farming.

This caused a terrible famine throughout the land. Seeing the suffering of the people, the intercessors rose up and killed Nyami and divided his power up between them, becoming the new gods of Wakanda. Control of the rains was given to Mujaji. Bast became the new protector of Wakanda. Hanuman was given the power to judge men's hearts. Kokou became the god of war. Ptah was given the power of inspiration. Thoth took charge of the moon, and Sekhmet took charge of the souls of the dead.

In older versions of the story, Sobek was given control of the rivers and lakes, and Mujaji's role was taken by the goddess Hadari-Yao. In the Inkola Ghekre version of the story, Hanuman alone killed Nyami, intending to take his power for himself. However the other Orisha took advantage of Hanuman's exhaustion after the battle and stole portions of Nyami's power for themselves.
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Author's Note
The story of Nyami is entirely my own creation - he's an important god in comics Wakanda (and a bunch of other fictional African nations) who's never mentioned in the movies or tie-in comics, so that myth is me both explaining why he's missing, and why the Yoruba word for undergods is used to just mean deity in Wakandan.

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