Inkola Ghekre

The Inkola Ghekre, usually translated as the White Gorilla Sect or Silverback Gorilla Sect, is a monolotrous sect of the Wakandan Native Religion who worship the Gorilla god Hanuman. The sect is found only in the Jabari-Lands, and most members of the Jabari are followers of the sect.

Prior to the 16th century, Hanuman was usually called Ghekre (or in some older sources, Ngi), from which the name of the sect is taken.

According to a myth unique to the sect, Hanuman alone killed the tyrant god Nyami, and would have taken all of his power. However while he was recovering from the battle, the other Orisha stole portions of Nyami's power for themselves, leaving Hanuman only a fraction of what he should have had. Because of this, members of the sect worship only Hanuman and do not honour the other Orisha, although they do believe they exist and possess divine power.

It is widely believed that the myth of Nyami is a mythologised retelling of a real religous and political conflict early in Wakandan history, and it has been theorised that the Jabari version of the myth reflects an attempt by the Jabari to take the throne of Wakanda from the Golden Tribe.

Followers of the sect are typically vegetarian, and follow a strict code of ethics which emphasises equality, justice, and honesty.
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Wakandan: Inkola Ghekre
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

Author's Note
This is basically entirely my own creation, since the pre-movie Jabari are straight-up chaotic-evil alligned, so don't get much in the way of backstory or any kind of thought-out belief system.