
The Jabari, or the Mountian Tribe, are one of the six tribes of Wakanda.

Their tribal lands are in the northwest of Wakanda, on the Ugandan border.

The Jibari are notable among the tribes of Wakanda for refusing to use Vibranium, and existing as a semi-autonomous region within the country, although since the re-coronation of T'Challa, relations between the Jibari and the other tribes has improved, and they now send a representative to the Taifa Ngao.

Hanuman the Gorilla god is considered the ancestory of the Jibari, and most members of the tribe are members of the White Gorilla Cult, a monolotrous offshoot of Wakandan Native Religion.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
The Mountain Tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories