Hellicarrier 64 Vehicle in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Hellicarrier 64

S.H.I.E.L.D's first Hellicarrier, constructed in 2009 from a prototype designed by Howard Stark. It serves as a roving command base.

The helicarrier was badly damaged during the Attack on the Helicarrier, when Bobbi Morse led a contingent of mercenaries in an assault on the helicarrier in order to rescue Loki , who had been taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D.

The helicarrier was repaired and upgraded in the aftermarth of the attack, and remained in service until the Disolution of S.H.I.E.L.D. when it was decomissioned.


Prior to the Chitauri Invasion, it was powered by four large turbine engines, based on designs by Howard Stark.

After the invasion, it was upgraded by Stark Industries, with repulsors retrofitted to replace the turbine engines.

Additional & auxiliary systems

The helicarrier was equipped with retro-reflective panels and radar cloaking technology, making it effectively undetectable when opperating above a certain elevation.
Creation Date
Decommission Date

Articles under Hellicarrier 64