
Hofund, also called the Bifrost Sword, is an Uru sword traditionally weilded by the Gatekeeper of Asgard.

The Bifrost controls in Himinbjörg require Hofund to be present in order to work, which is intended to act as a failsafe in the event of invasion. However, the Sword is older than the Bifrost as it currently exists, having been forged during the reign of Bor on the advice of the seer, Mimir.

Manufacturing process

The sword was forged by the King of the Dwarves in the Star-Forge.


As well as its practical uses, both as part of the Bifrost mechanism and as a weapon, the sword is also symbolic of Asgard's imperial power. Through it, the All-Mother has near-instant access to everywhere within the Asgardian Empire. Although the design is very simple, the fact that it is made of Uru, one of the rarest and hardest to work mentals in the Universe, is also a symbol of Asgard's wealth.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
The blade and hilt are made of star metal, with a binding of ram leather, symbollic of the fact that Heimdall is also the holder of the Gjallarhorn.
Owning Rank
Gatekeeper of Asgard