Asgardian Empire

An interplanetary empire, ruled by the Asgardian Royal Family. Its throneworld is Asgard. 

Although Asgard has historically claimed the entireity of the Nine Realms formed part of the Empire, in practise this only encompasses Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Nidavellir and Jotunheim.

Svartalfheim was uninhabited for 5,000 years, until the events of the Second Dark Elf War, and Niffleheim lacked any coherant government that could be brought under the control of the Empire. Muspelheim was subjugated duing the Conquest of the Nine Realms but was not made a full part of the Empire, due to its inhospitability and lack of natural resources.

Asgardians consider Midgard part of the Empire, so much so that they have gone to war in the past to protect it from Jotun invasion, but most on Midgard would dispute this.

Demography and Population

Asgardians, including Aesir and Vanir, Frost Giants, Storm Giants, and Mountain Giants, Ogres, Trolls, Dwarves and Light Elves make up the majority of the population.

Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Palace economy
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Asgardian Empire