
Captain Glah-Ree

Glah-Ree is a Kree Super-Soldier, and the de-facto leader of the remains of the Kree Imperium.

He was a senior officer in the Kree Navy prior to the destruction of Supreme Intelligence LIX, who sided with Genis-Vell in the conflict that followed.

When Genis-Vell was crowned Emperor of the Kree, Glah-Ree was made Commander of the Kree Navy, the second-highest office in the Imperium after the Emperor.

Although loyal to his Emperor, he grew increasingly dissolusioned as Genis-Vell's tyranny increased, and he opposed the use of the Phalanx.

During the Phalanx Crisis, Glah-Ree abandonned his post, believing his duty was to protect the civillian population, rather than the Emperor. He left Hala abord one of the Skrull refugee transports bound for Tarnax II, but before he left, he gave the Nega-Bands to Phyla-Vell, so she could fight her brother.

He has resisted calls for him to take the title of Emperor, but has taken charge of the remains of the Imperium. He has developed close ties with the Skrull government, and is a major advocate for peace between their peoples.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1922 CE 96 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization