Light Elves

The Light Elves, or Ljósálfar, are a race native to Alfheim. They are considered a sister race to the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim, although archeologists have suggested they may be directly decended from pre-historic Dark Elves.

Light Elves earned their name from their traditional sun-worship, and their love of bright colours.

Basic Information


Light elves are humanoids, distinguished from other humanoid races in the Nine Realms by their slight builds and long, pointed ears.

Physical appearance varies between the various tribes. The majority of Light Elves resemble their Dark Elf ancestors, with pale skin and hair (although they are not true albinos). However, among some tribes, blue, green, pink, or golden yellow skin is also common.

Genetics and Reproduction

Light Elves are a binary-gendered, sexually dimorphic species. They are capable of interbreeding with most other species found in the Nine Realms, included Giants. 

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are renowned for their sharp eyesight, which makes them talented archers. Like their Dark Elf cousins, they have extremely sensitive hearing.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Light Elves live closely with nature. Several tribes have close relationships with specific species, such as Unicorns, Flying Cats, and Illhveli.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

There are eight main ethnic groupings among the Light Elves;
  • The Spice Elves
  • The Air Elves
  • The Sea Elves
  • The Rock Elves (also called the Pleasure Elves)
  • The Elves of the Vale
  • The Moon Elves
  • The Cat Elves
  • The Ice Elves
Each group has a distinct culture, shaped by the resources and challenges of their homelands.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Light Elves speak Älfeneel as their first language. Distinct tribal dialects exist, and in cases are so far removed from the original language as to be unintelligable to speakers from other tribes.

When speaking to members of other tribes, or other species, Light Elves use All-speak, which they have a natural abiliity for, being highly magical by nature.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
2,000 - 10,000 years, dependant on tribe
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Variable. Hair and skin are always the same colour.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Notable Individuals
Queen Aelsa Featherwine
Ayelah Frostbright 
Sir Honeyshot Milkmane

Articles under Light Elves