
The dwarves are a sapient species native to Nidavellir, famous for their skill as smiths and metalworkers.

Despite their lack of resemblance to Light or Dark Elves, some believe them to be descendants of the Dark Elves, and according to their own myths they were originally from Svartalfheim before leaving to construct the Ring-world of Nidavellir.

Two distinct races of Dwarves exist, the Red Dwarves and the Black Dwarves. Although named for the more common hair-colour among them, the most noticable difference is their height, Red Dwarves being one of the tallest races in the Nine Realms, and Black Dwarves the shortest.

One common theory is that the Red Dwarves are the result of interbreeding between Dwarves and Giants, while others claim that the Red Dwarves are the original species, and the Black Dwarves are the result of interbreeding between Dwarves and Dark Elves, thereby also explaining the connection of the species to Svartalfheim.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves are believed to be sexually dimorphic, but this is unconfirmed. If they have distinct biological sexes, they are indistinguishable when fully dressed, and the strong taboo against nudity and insular society means almost no non-Dwarf has ever seen a member of the species undressed.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Some Dwarves prosess precognitive abilities. It is unknown if these gifts are inherited or bestowed magically, as Dwarven Seers do not marry and rarely have children.

Dwarves have excellent night-vision, being fossorial.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarves usually use only one name. In formal settings, they may append a patronym or matronym to their name, and it is not uncommon to include three or four generations of lineage.

Because of their lack of surnames, epithets are common.

Some Dwarves use names which are words in the common tongue, and it is believed that these are usually a direct translation of their Dwarven name, used either due to extreme respect for Dwarven or for the ease of non-Dwarven companions.

Major Organizations

While many Dwarves opperate small personal workshops or forges (or may be farmers or miners rather than craftsmen), large foundries are central to their culture, with forgemasters acting as judges in disputes.

The most important foundry on Nidavellir is the Star-Forge, and working it is considered a high honour.

Beauty Ideals

A Dwarf's beard is usually considered his most attractive trait. Some Dwarves deliberately choose to shave their beards, as an expression of counter-cultural identity, but outside of those subcultures, beardlessness is considered deeply unattractive.

Gender Ideals

Dwarves do not express gender in any way that has been identified by non-Dwarves. It is possible they do not do so at all.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

It is believed a Dwarved language exists, but it is never spoken in the presence of non-Dwarves.

Common Taboos

Dwarves are considered prudish by many other races, as they never undress in public.


The Dwarves were close allies of Asgard, having forged various weapons for their soldiers, the most prominent being the hammer Mjøllnir and the spear Gungnir. 

At some point in their history, they chose to destroy the original planet of Nidavellir, in order to construct the ring-world which currently houses the species.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
3,000 years
Average Height
10-14 feet (Red Dwarves) | 3-5 feet (Black Dwarves)
Average Physique
Compared to Humans, Dwarves possess superhuman strength, durability, stamina and reflexes.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Related Technologies
Notable Individuals

Articles under Dwarves

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