
Luphomoids are a blue-skinned humanoid race, originally from the planet Luphom, in the Andromeda Galaxy. They are believed to be an offshoot of the Kree.

Approximately 150 Terran years ago, Luphom was destroyed by Galactus. An estimated 80% of the luphomoid population was killed in the destruction. The remaining population became nomidic, primarily working as mercenaries.

Luphomoids are reknowned as some of the greatest warriors in the inhabited galaxies.

Basic Information


Luphomids are humanoid mamals. They are physically similar to the Kree, who are believed to be their genetic ancestor, being biologically similar to humans, but with much denser muscle fibers, and possessing 'duplicates' of some internal organs, including livers and hearts.

They are sexually diamorphic, and males are typically 1-2 feet taller than the females.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores, but require a very high level of protein in order to maintain healthy muscle. Although physically hardy, they are allergic to a number of nutrients common in the cuisines of the Andromeda Galaxy, in particular, vitamin D and sucrose.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Since the destruction of Luphom, the remaining Luphomoids are nomadic, and may be found throughout the populated galaxies. The only settled diaspora community exists on Knowhere.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
50-70 years
Average Height
Females: 5'10" - 6'3" | Males: 7'5" - 8'3"
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is blue. Their hair and eyes are white or cream.
Known Individuals