
Mari-Ell (a.k.a. Marielle Danvers)

Mari-Ell was a member of the Kree Navy's intelligence division, who was stationed on Earth for many years, as part of an intelligence gathering mission.

While there, in her cover of Marielle Roberts, she met Joseph Danvers, and fell in love with him. They married, and had a child, Carol Danvers .

Marielle never revealed her true identity to her Terran family. In 1970, when her daughter was 7 years old, she was recalled to Hala, and abandonned her family to return home.

She later remaried, to a Kree Starforce officer, with whom she had a daughter, Lauri-Ell.
Although she survived the Phalanx Crisis, and Carol's name is well known among the survivors of Hala, she has made no effort to contact her daughter.
Current Residence
Turanal, Pama System
Aligned Organization