Inhuman Codex

A Kree nanite computer, used during the original Kree Primagen experiments that created the Inhumans.

As well as containing information about Inhuman biology, when used by an individual with an activated Inhuman gene, the Codex can allow the user to edit their own biology to copy the powers of other Inhumans.


When the Inhuman scientists were driven from Earth by Hive, they were forced to leave the Codex behind.

It remained in the Kree City for several thousand years, until Maximus Boltagon used his terrigen-enhanced powers of suggestion to force the inhabitants of San Juan to retrieve it for him.

After Maximus was defeated by Queen Medusa, it was taken back to New Attilan, where it was eventually stolen by Lineage.

Lineage used it to enhance his powers and take revenge on the Paguro Family, who were responsible for the deaths of Lineage's family. After a battle, Lineage was subdued by Xiaoyi Chen and the Codex retrieved. Since then it has been kept in a vault on New Attilan, and the New Attilan Parliament has passed a law forbidding its use due to the risk of it being misused.

Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
Current Location
Owning Organization