Puente Antiguo

Puente Antiguo is a small town in southern New Mexico.

Its name translates as 'Ancient Bridge', named for stories told to Spanish colonisers of a bridge to the heavens which was once located in the area. It has been theorised that this refers to the Bifrost, and that the pre-colonial inhabitants of the area may have been in contact with the Aesir, although two digs by the University of New Mexico in 2013 and 2015 failed to uncover any definitive evidence.

In 2012, the town made international news when it was the site of a battle between the superheroes Thor and Iron Man, along with a group of Asgardian warriors, against the Destroyer. Much of the town's main street was destroyed in the subsequent battle, but a combination of federal relief, Stark Industries investment, and tourism allowed the town to rebuild quickly.

Articles under Puente Antiguo