Erik Selvig

Dr Eric Selvig

Doctor Erik Selvig is a renowned astrophysicist and the former teacher of Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis. He was a Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at Culver University. While working alongside Foster and Lewis, Selvig encountered an Asgardian named Thor. Shortly afterwards, Selvig was recruited as a consultant for S.H.I.E.L.D, where he was head of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S..

When Loki invaded Earth, Selvig was put under mind control which temporarily damaged his mind and caused symptoms similar to dementia.

When he recovered, he was recruited to work first at the New Avengers Facility, and later Avengers Idea Mechanics.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Erik Selvig was born in Norway in 1953, where he grew up hearing stories of Asgard and the Norse Gods. In adulthood, he became a professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at Culver University, where he met Bruce Banner, a pioneer in Gamma Radiation who mysteriously disappeared. He also befriended Dr Hank Pym, who had dealt with S.H.I.E.L.D. before and warned Selvig to steer clear of them. During his tenure, Selvig met Jane Foster, whose father was his colleague, and took her under his wing.

Selvig accompanied Jane Foster and Darcy Lewis to Puente Antiguo to supervise Jane's research into Einstein-Rosen bridges. While researching in the desert, a sudden mysterious vortex appeared before them. As they struggled with the zero-visibility conditions, their van collided with Thor, who stumbled out of the vortex. Thor announced himself as an Asgardian god but was knocked unconcious when Lewis tasered him. They decided to take him to the local hospital.

The following day, Foster realized that the newcomer might be able to shed some light on the event. Selvig was more skeptical, resulting in a lengthy disagreement between the two.

Selvig was able to secure Thor's release from a temporary S.H.I.E.L.D. compound after Thor broke in to retrieve Mjøllnir by claiming that he was Donald Blake. After saving him from the compound, he tried to warn Thor away from Foster, concerned he put her at risk, but was persuaded to go drinking with Thor, after which Thor claimed that Selvig had "made his ancestors proud". Despite his initial suspicion, and the fact that he still didn't believe Thor was a god, they now had a good friendship.

Shortly after, Loki sent the Destroyer to Earth to kill Thor. As the Destroyer attacked Selvig and the others, Thor gave himself up to defend them. Despite being badly wounded, he proved himself worthy and he reclaimed his powers and control over Mjølnir. With aid from Tony Stark, Sif, and the Warriors Three, Thor defeated the Destroyer. Saying goodbye to Selvig and the others, he returned to Asgard, promising Foster that he would return.

Later, Selvig was taken to the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility to meet Nick Fury. Fury showed him the Tesseract, explaining that it represented a significant source of power, if only they could find a way to tap it. Selvig accepted the role as head of Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S, investigating the cube's potential, at the urging of Loki, who had been controlling Selvig throughout the conversation.

While studying the Tesseract, Selvig found an unusual energy signature coming from it. He immediately alerted S.H.I.E.L.D. and all nonessential personnel were evacuated as the cube started to send of dangerous amounts of energy. When Nick Fury arrived in response to the alarms, Bobbi Morse suggested that, since the Tesseract is a multi-dimensional object, perhaps it was being manipulated from the other side of one of those dimensions.

Shortly thereafter, the Tesseract opened a portal and Loki appeared. Using his Sceptre, Loki took control of Morse and Selvig. Selvig and Barton helped Loki escape from the S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, taking the Tesseract with them as the entire facility imploded.

In a secret location, Selvig worked to stabilize the Tesseract, constructing a framework based on information supplied through the cube itself. Based on what he learned, Selvig sent Morse to acquire iridium to help stabilize the portal Loki intended to use to bring through his Chitauri army.

Selvig then took the Tesseract to the top of Stark Tower and used it to open a portal. When the Chitauri attacked Earth under Loki's command, Selvig was confronted by Iron Man, who attempted to stop the portal from opening. Selvig revealed to him that the force field surrounding the Tesseract was unbreakable, and that nothing could be done to close off the portal. However, Selvig was knocked unconscious when Iron Man tried to close the portal and blasted the force field.

When he woke up, Selvig found himself alone with Morse, who was attempting to close the portal. With Loki's mind-control gone, Selvig told her that some part of his consciousness was still awake during Loki's mind-control, and that he inserted a flaw in the Asgardian's plan: the force field around the Tesseract could be undone using the Scepter. Morse used the scepter to close the portal.

Later, when Thor returned to Asgard with Loki in chains, Selvig gave him the Tesseract since Nick Fury decided it was too great a force for humans to mess with. Selvig then departed home.

A year after the battle of New York, Selvig was still affected by having been under Loki's control for so long. In London, Selvig was arrested at Stonehenge after stripping nude and apparently harassing the bystanders with his lab equipment claiming he was trying to save them. He was transferred to a dementia facility, from which he was eventually rescued by Lewis and her intern, Ian Boothby.

Back at their apartment Selvig was greeted by Thor and Foster who had returned from Asgard. As the group came up with a plan to stop Malekith from unleashing the Aether on the Nine Realms, Selvig realized that all the coordinates past civilizations had left relating to the Convergence lead to Greenwich.

The next day, Malekith and his army of Dark Elves arrived and began attacking Greenwich. While Thor fought them off, Selvig and Foster used devices made to detect gravitational anomalies which had been modified to create anomalies instead. Once Lewis and Boothby had placed the sensors in the correct locations, Selvig and Foster used the device to teleport some of the enemies away to different Realms. As the battle continued, Selvig and Foster were forced to run from a small army of Dark Elves until Foster was able to teleport them away.

They were then attacked by a Frost Beast which had come through a portal from Jotunheim, but where saved at the last minute by the arrival of Roz Solomon and the Warriors Three.

After a long battle with Thor, Malekith prepared to unleash the Aether on the Nine Realms as Selvig, Foster, and Thor watched from a distance. Selvig claimed that they could not get close to using the devices; Thor grabbed the devices and threw them at Malekith, teleporting his body away. As Foster attempted to move Thor out of harm's way, Selvig teleported Malekith's crashing ship to Malekith's location, killing him.

Days after the defeat of Malekith, Selvig, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis and Ian Boothby sat in Foster's apartment eating breakfast, Foster reassured them that Thor would return after he got done talking to his mother, noting that he had committed treason when he had left. Thor then arrived to inform them that in recognition of the service they had done of the Nine Realms, they were all invited to attend the coronation of All-Mother Frigga, which was happening iminently. After only a few minutes to get ready, the six of them were taken to Asgard via the Bifrost for the ceremony. After the coronation feast, Thor returned with them to Earth, intending to remaining with his friends and rekindle his relationship with Foster.

Selvig was recruited by the Avengers due to his continued work alongside the team and his vast knowledge. He was relocated to the New Avengers Facility in upstate New York to work as one of their consultants with his own team of scientists working under his supervision.

When Stark purchased Advanced Idea Mechanics in the wake of the Ultron crisis and rebranded it as Avengers Idea Mechanics, Selvig was offered the possition as Chief Scientic Officer but turned it down, prefering to take a senior research possition instead. The job was eventually given to Adam Brashear, who had worked under Selvig on Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S.

After A.I.M. began working with the Attilan refugees, Selvig became one of the first civilians to walk on the Moon when he was a part of a joint expedition of A.I.M. and NASA to study to the ruins of Attilan.

Gender Identity





Selvig has a doctorate in astro-physics.


Selvig is a member of Avengers Idea Mechanics. Previously he was a researcher on Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S, a professor at Culver University and a guest lecturer at the University of London.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was one of the first humans ever to visit Asgard. He was also part of the first civilian expidition to the Moon.

He has published a number of influential papers in his field, and in 2018 he preseted a documentary titled Nova: Einstein Rosen Bridges with Dr. Erik Selvig for the History Channel.

Mental Trauma

Loki's use of the Sceptre to mind-control Selvig during the Chitauri Invasion (possibly also exacerbated by his close study of the Tesseract) created side effects similar to dementia in Selvig. Following the events of the Second Dark Elf War, he sought treatment and eventually made a full recovery.


Hobbies & Pets

After being recommended it as part of his therapy after the Second Dark Elf War, he took up gardening, and raises a variety of cactuses. He plays the guitar, and enjoys singing.

Year of Birth
1953 CE 65 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English, Norwegian