
The Æsir are the Old Gods who inhabit Asgard.

They are the decendants of Bor and his followers who first settled Asgard, and the sister-ethnicity of the Vanir (decended from Bor's brother and his followers).

Naming Traditions

Family names

Æsir use patronynics, or sometimes agnomen or cognomen, in place of family names.


Shared customary codes and values

Honour is highly valued by the Æsir, especially in combat. They view themselves as protectors, especially of Mortals (though this view is not widely held among the other Nine Realms, all of which have been at war with Asgard as one time or another, and most of which are currently colonies of Asgard).

Average technological level

While the Æsir do use technology, their society is primarily Magic based.

Common Etiquette rules

Hospitality is considered sacred, and it is the duty of any Æsir to provide food and lodging to any strangers or travellers who enter their lands, by custom for three days. They may not harm anyone under their hospitality within those three days, even if they are their worst enemy, unless the guest attacks them first.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Æsir practise cremation via funerary pyre. For those who can afford it, these cremations take place on boats on the river Gopul.

Historical figures

The first King was Bor,, who is regarded as the architect of Asgard. He was succeeded by his son Odin, who conquered the Nine Realms and was the first ruler to use the title of All-Father


Beauty Ideals

Æsir tend to be pale skinned, and blond hair considered particularly attractive. Tallness is valued in both sexes, and visible signs of physical strenth such as broad shoulders or muscular arms. While obesity is uncommon among them, thinness is not considered more appealing than fatness.

In men, beardlessness is often considered unattractive because of the connotations of youth and inexperience.

Gender Ideals

Æsir value physical strength and prowess in combat in both sexes, but women are expected to be able to cook, spin, and maintain a home in addition to being a warrior, while men are expected to be skilled hunters in order to provide their their families.

Courtship Ideals

Æsir courtships tend to be short and matter-of-fact; they do not value equivocation, and the concept of 'playing hard to get' would be nonsensical to them.

Major organizations

The Æsir are ruled by the Asguardian Royal Family and their authority is usually accepted as extending even to those Æsir who live outside Asgard.

Following the conquest of the Nine Realms, Asgard is now the centre of the Asgardian Empire.

Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Items
Languages spoken
Related Locations
See Also