Queen of Asgard

The consort of the King of Asgard or All-Father.

The title is not currently in use, as All-Mother Frigga is widowed. The duties of the Queen have therefore been divided amoung the All-Mother, her handmaidens, and Prince Loki. 


The Queen has ultimate responsibility for all aspects of the royal household, including the royal wardrobe, kitchens, and the management of staff. Senior staff members, such as the head chef, answer directly to the Queen, or to one of her ladies in waiting.

Weaving is considered an important part of the duties of a Queen, both bed and table linnens used for the All-Father are woven by the Queen or her predecessors.

The Queen also acts as hostess to any visiting dignitaries, playing an important diplomatic role. If the Queen is from outside Asgard, they will usually also act as ambassador, facilitating talks and negotiating treaties between their own people and the Aesir. 

Accoutrements & Equipment

On formal occaisions, the Queen wears a coronet.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Not currently in use
Form of Address
Your Highness
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Life, or until divorce
First Holder
Reports directly to
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