Frigga <WIP>

All-Mother Frigga Freydotir (a.k.a. Freyja)

Frigga is the daughter of the King of Vanaheim, who was married to Odin in order to cement the pease at the end of the Aesir-Vanir War. The couple had one son, Thor, and adopted the Jotun Loki.

After the death of Odin during the Second Dark Elf War, Frigga was crowned All-Mother. As ruler of the Asgardian Empire she has granted greater autonomy of Asgard's client kingdoms, and founded the Council of Realms.

Divine Domains

Foresight, Wisdom, Motherhood, Wetlands and Rain, patron of Domestic Arts

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Wading birds, sheep, cows, falcons. Wetlands, ponds, swamps, and marshes. Cattails. Clouds, mist and vapor. Spindles and looms. House keys. Birch and linden trees. The runes Bjarkan and Peorð.


Mother's night - the night before the Winter Solstice

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Frigga is said to see all, but unlike Odin, does not change what she sees. She is invoked as protectress both of women and children, but also of soldiers, who would fight in her name.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Frigga was born Freyja, firstborn child of King Frey of Vanaheim, and his queen, Gerd.

As heir to the throne of Vanaheim, she recieved an extensive education in rhetoric, etiquette, politics and statecraft, military strategy, diplomacy, literature, and mathematics. She was schooled in Vanir Magic, for which her primary teacher was her aunt Lady Idunn, often regarded as the greatest of all the Vanir sorcerors.

Marriage to Odin

The Aesir-Vanir War broke out when Freyja was a teenager. After many years of bloody fighting, and several failed attempts to broker treaties (including the notorious decapitation of Frey's brother Mimir, who had been offered to the Vanir as a peace hostage) a treaty was finally drawn up which guarenteed peace in exchange for the recently widowed Odin marrying Feyja.

In order to save her people further bloodshed, Freya agreed to the match, and she and Odin were married.

Marrying a man who had so recently been her enemy, and moving away from her home planet, was difficult, and the process was made harder by the Aesir's deep suspicion of Vanir culture. In order to better fit in with her adopted people, Freyja changed her name to Frigga, which was easier for the Aesir to pronounce, and avoided openly practising magic.

When Crown-Princess Hela rebelled against her father, Frigga took on some of the responsilities of rule while Odin was away at war, and her careful management of the country endeared her to the people of Asgard, and to her husband, although she never forgot the brutality with which he had prosecuted the war against her people.

Becoming a Mother

Despite her strained relationship with Odin, the couple had a son, Thor . As Hela's name had been made taboo and struck from all records, he was welcomed as Odin's first-born, which all the pomp and ceremony that entailed.

Shortly after Thor's birth, the Frost Giants rebelled against Asgardian rule of Jotunheim, and Odin once again left on campaign, leaving Frigga as regent in his stead.

When he returned, he brought with him an unexpected spoil of war - the child of King Laufey and Consort Farbauti, who had been left to die due to their small size. Odin had found the baby abandonned in a temple, and decided to adopt them.

Despite the lack of warning, Frigga willingly adopted the baby, who they named Loki , and raised him as her own. While Thor's blond hair and brash nature were unmistakably Aesir, Loki, with his darker colouring and sharp mind, could easily have been mistaken for one of the Vanir, which is purhaps why he and Frigga developed a special bond. While Thor was being trained in warfare by Odin, Frigga taught Loki the magic of her homeland.

Thor's Banishment

Odin eventually decided to crown Thor as King of Asgard, allowing Odin to step back from much of the day to day running of the Empire. Jealous of his brother, Loki sought to disrupt the ceremony by showing a group of Frost Giants how to break into Odin's Vault.

In retaliation for the slight, Thor, encouraged by Loki, lead his friends to Jotunheim. Although Odin was able to recover the group alive, their actions came close to reigniting the Aesir-Jotun war. As punishment, Thor was stripped of Mjøllnir and banished to Midgard.

While he was gone, Loki confronted Odin about his own adoption. The strain of the confrontation, combined with the confrontation with Laufey on Jotunheim, overcame Odin, and he fell into the Forever Sleep.

For the first time since she became Queen, Frigga did not act as regent, instead allowing Loki to take on the responsibility.

Loki used the possition to conspire to kill Thor, sending the Destroyer to Midgard to fight him. He also allowed Laufey into Asgard, telling him he could kill Odin while he was sleeping. Instead, Loki killed him, apparently saving Odin's life.

When Thor, who had recovered mjollnir and defeated the Destroyer, returned, he revealed Loki's plot to Frigga. Furious, Loki attempted to overload the Bifrost in order to destroy Jotunheim completely. When he was stopped by Thor and Odin, Loki chose to allow himself to fall into the void rather than face the repurcussions of his actions.

The Sacking of Valaskjalf

In the lead up to the Convergence in 2013, Jane Foster, who Thor had fallen for during his banishment to Midgard, became possessed by the Aether. Thor, warned by Heimdall that something was wrong, brought her to Asgard to be examined by the healers there.

When Valaskjalf was attacked by the forces of Malekith the Accursed, Thor charged Frigga to protect Foster, while he and Odin organised the palace's defence.

Frigga fought Algrim the Kursed when he came to claim the Aether, but the power of the Kurse stone made him almost indestructible, and she was only saved from death by Thor, who arrived in time to drive Algrim off, though he was not able to kill him.

Thor rushing to Frigga's defence left Odin fighting alone, and he was killed by Malekith, after which the Dark Elves withdrew.

Frigga forbade Thor from going after Malekith, imprisoning Jane Foster in rooms in the palace to prevent him from taking her, and by extension the Aether, to Svartalfheim. However Thor, believing it was the only way to save Foster's life, disobeyed her orders, releasing Loki from the Valaskjalf dungeons, where he had been imprisoned after his attempted invasion of Midgard, and travelling with Foster to the Dark World.

Becoming All-Mother

After Thor and Foster defeated Malekith, the question of who would succeed Odin was raised. Although Thor was heir to the throne, he refused it, saying he was not yet ready to take on such responsibility, and instead named Frigga as the first All-Mother of the Empire.

Her first action as All-Mother was the establishment of the Congress of Realms, created at the request of Jane Foster in order to give the realms of the Empire a greater say in matters affecting the Nine Realms as a whole.

King Loki

Section under contruction


As a member of the Vanir, Frigga was trained in magic, especially nature magic, from a young age.


As Queen of Asgard, Frigga was responsible for running the palace and raising the princes, as well as acting as Odin's ambassador to the Vanir and performing charitable acts in the name of the Empire.

As All-Mother, Frigga is the head of state of Asgard, and figurehead of the Nine Realms. She is the ultimate judge, and has responsibility for deploying Asgard's army to keep peace across the realms.


Contacts & Relations

She is attended by 12 handmaidens. Since Frigga's appointment as All-Mother, many of the responsibilities of the Queen of Asgard have been devolved to her hand-maidens.
  • Sága – keeper of the genealogies of the Aesir.
  • Eir – head of the houses of healing, in which role she works closely with Baldr.
  • Gefjion – works under Eir, running reproductive and anti-natal care at the houses of healing.
  • Fulla – manages the household budget for the royal family.
  • Sjöfn – arbitrates on matters relating to family relations such as inheritance disputes, custody disputes, and matters of parentage and adoption
  • Lofn – has charge of the charitable purse, distributing alms and donations to charitable causes
  • Var – arbitrates questions of marriage and divorce
  • Vör – keeper of the archive of prophesies
  • Syn – manages the staff of the palace
  • Hlín – formerly nanny to Thor and Loki. Holds a purely ceremonial possition, until one of the princes has a child of their own
  • Snotra – plans and manages events such as parties, state dinners, weddings, funerals etc
  • Gná – head of the palace's spy networks


Divine Classification
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Initially Queen of Asgard, after Odin's death she was crowned All-Mother.

As the eldest child of King Frey, she is also heir to the throne of Vanaheim, though it is widely believed that the crown will be passed to her sister Gullveig, or her nephew Baldr the Brave, in order to avoid further entagling the royal houses of Asgard and Vanaheim.
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Birth
1107 BCE 3125 Years old
Current Residence
Known Languages
Ruled Locations