Red Room

The Red Room, also known as the Black Widow Program, was a top-secret Soviet Super-Soldier training program, which opperated under the auspices of the KGB (although it was originally started by the directed of the NKVD, the KGB's predecessor origanisation).

The program specialised in producing female agents trained for infiltration and assassination. They recruited subjects as children, as their brainwashing techniques were found to be more effective if begun in youth. In addition to training and thought-control, before graduation subjects were given the Red Room Formulation, a partial replication of Erskine's original Super-Soldier Serum.

The effects of the Red Room Formulation were less dramatic than that of the Erskin Serum, producing increased stamina, healing, and longevity, but without the pronounced physical changes or super-strength. However unlike most other attempted recreations, such as the Banner-Ross Serum, or Howard Stark's failed attempt at recreating the serum, the Red Room Formulation was stable, and produced consistent reliable results.

In addition to training the subjects of the Black Widow program, Red Room scientists were also involved in the brainwashing of the Winter Soldier, however their techniques were not as effective when applied to an adult, and HYDRA had to supplement the thought-control with a variant on electro-convulsive therapy to disrupt his memories of his former life.

The existence of the Red Room was revealed in the Morse Papers, and quickly became a staple of conspiracy theories, with a dizzying array of different women in the public eye being accused of being Red Room plants, including Monica Lewinsky, Michelle Obama, Taylor Swift, and Ang Sang Su Chi. However, S.H.I.E.L.D records show the organisation was destroyed by Natasha Romanoff prior to her becomming a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.