The Hammers of the Worthy

Seven Uru warhammers, forged by the Dwarves at the request of Hela. 

During Hela's Rebellion, in imitation of her paternal uncle, Cul the Serpent, she named seven of her closest companions as her Worthy. The hammers were given to them as gifts, and badges of office, and were enchanted to increase the weilder's power. Unknown to the Worthy, the enchantments also affected their minds, ensuring their loyalty to Hela.

After the death of Odin, Hela sent the hammers to earth, where they were picked up by various superheroes, making them the third Worthy.

After Hela's defeat, the hammers were returned to the Dwarves for safe-keeping.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Related Technologies
Owning Organization