The Worthy

The first Worthy were the closest friends and companions of Cul the Serpent. As he grew increasingly paranoid and tyranical, he granted special powers to seven of his most ardent supporters, calling them his Worthy.

When Hela began to plot her Rebellion, she was inspired by the stories of her uncle, and decided to create her own worthy. She commission the Dwarves to craft Uru weapons, which she then enchanted and gifted to her Worthy as marks of her favour.

When her rebellion was put down by Odin, the weapons of the Worthy were interred below the Valaskjalf Throne Room, along with the Fenris Wolf, in order to stop them from falling into the wrong hands.

After Odin's death, Hela was freed from her imprisonment. As her generals were long dead, she cast the weapons down to Midgard where they chose new champions, possessing their weilders and unleashing their anger and hatred upon the world.

After the Worthy were defeated, the weapons were given to the King of the Dwarves to melt down in the Star-Forge.

Articles under The Worthy