The King of Ashes

King Loki Freyjabur (a.k.a. The King of Ashes)

A future version of Loki from Earth-14411, which diverted from Earth-61616 when Thanos was able to complete the Infinity Gauntlet and wiped out half of all sapient life in the universe.

Among those killed were Frigga and Loki's closest friend, Verity Willis. The loss caused Loki to have a breakdown, and he triggered Ragnarok, wiping out the Aesir.

The Exiles encountered him, and though he killed Jane Foster, her dying words pushed him to begin a quest to find the Time Stone and undo Verity's death.

After claiming the Stone, he used it to travel back to Odin's youth to arrange the creation of Gram. He then gifted Gram to his younger self, collapsing his own timeline, as Loki used the sword to prevent Thanos from using the Infinity Gauntlet.
Year of Birth
965 CE 1053 Years old