3.6. Guardians of the Galaxy

We open in Missouri in 1988, where Peter Quill is visiting his mother in hospital. When she passes away, Peter runs out of the hospital when suddenly he is encased in a beam of light and and a Shace Ship appears above him.

26 years later, Quill is on Morag to retrieve the Orb for Yondu Udonta. He's intercepted by Korath but manages to escape with the Orb fleeing both Korath and Yondu. Realising he's stolen their prize, Yondu puts a bounty on him.

It is revealed that Korath had been sent to Morag by Ronan the Accuser, who has allied himself with Thanos in exchange for Thanos's promise to destroy Xandar. Xandar is the throne-world of the Nova Empire, with whom the Kree had been at war for generations. Although the war is now ended, Ronan refused to accept the treaty since it was no a victory for the Kree Empire. 

To aid Ronan in his search for the Orb, Thanos as sent his daughters Gamora and Nebula to assist him. By examining the Ravagers' past deals, they identify a likely buyer of the Orb on Xandar, and Gamora is dispatched to intercept Quill.

Quill attempts to sell the Orb, but upon hearing that Korath had also been looking for it, the broker refuses to get involved. Leaving the shop, Quill is ambushed by Gamora, who steals the Orb and tries to flee. A fight ensuses, leading two nearby bounty hunters Rocket and Groot realise both combatants have high prices on their heads and join the fight, only for all four of them to be arrested  by the Nova Corps and sent to the Kyln. 

In the Kyln, Gamora's reputation makes her a target for other prisoners. Drax attempts to kill her for her alliance to Ronan, who had murdered his wife and daughter. Quill intervenes, convincing Drax that Gamora can lead him to Ronan, and is more valuable alive. Gamora reveals that she had been intending to betray Ronan, since she considers him insane. Learning that she had had a potential buyer lined up who had been willing to pay far more than Peter had been expecting to get for it, Rocket, Quill, Groot, and Gamora agree to team up in order to escape the Kyln.

Ronan, realising Gamora had intended to betray him, berates Thanos. When The Other warns him to mind his tone, Ronan kills him, forcing Thanos to address him directly. Thanos tells him that it is up to Ronan and Nebula to fix the problem, and if Ronan returns empty handed again, Thanos will have him killed.

Quill and his allies, joined by Drax, distract the guards by turning off the artificial gravity and escape the Kyln. They retrieve Quill's ship, the Milano, and travel to Knowhere. While Gamora waits for her contact, the others drink in the Boot of Jemiah. Drax and Rocket, both drunk, get into a fight when Drax unintentially triggers Rocket.

While Drax storms off, the rest of the group are summoned by Maverdevia to the Collection to meet Gamora's buyer, Tanleer Tivan. He opens the Orb, revealing the Power Stone inside it. He explains the Infinity Stones to them.

The Collector prepares to pay them, but Maverdevia, seeing an opportunity to escape, grabs the Stone, intending to use its power to kill Tivan. Instead it triggers a massive energy blast, killing her and destroying much of the Collection.

Gamora, finally understanding the danger the stones pose, tries to convince the others to give it to the Nova Corps for protection. As they are arguing, Ronan arrives, having been alerted to their location by the drunken Drax, trying to force a confrontation with his enemy. The two battle, but Drax is easily defeated. The others attempt to escape in Mining Pods, but are pursued by Ronan's Sakaaran forces. Nebula destroys her sister's pod, leaving Gamora free-floating in space.

Nebula takes the Orb, and she and Ronan depart. Quill refuses to allow Gamora to die, and calls Yondu before leaving his pod, giving Gamora his helmet to save her life. Yondu arrives just as the he is about to freeze to death.

On Yondu's ship, Quill is able to negotiate a truce by promising that they can recover the Orb from Ronan.

Groot convinces Rocket and Drax to rescue Quill and Gamora, and the three attact Yondu's ship. The Guardians escape, and agree that they need to stop Ronan from using the Infinity Stone, because he will lay waste to the galaxy. Quill contacts Rhomann Dey to warn of the impending attack.

Ronan contacts Thanos from the Dark Aster and Thanos orders him to hand over the Orb. However, Ronan embeds the Power Stone in his hammer, promising that he will deliver it but not until after he has personally laid waste to Xandar. Nebula agrees to help him as a chance to rebel against her father.

The Guardians join up with the Nova Corps fleet to face the Dark Aster. While Rocket joins the fleet in the air battle, the rest of the Guardians infiltrate the Dark Aster. Gamora battles Nebula while the others fight Korath and the Sakaaran forces. Gamora defeats Nebula and tries to persuade her to abandon Thanos, however she thinks Gamora has lost her mind and flees the battle in a stolen Ravager ship.

Ronan uses the Power Stone to destroy much of the Nova fleet, leaving only the Ravagers to fight the Sakaraan ships, and easily overpowers Quill and his allies. Before he can kill them, Rocket crashes his ship into Ronan, seemingly killing him, and causing the Dark Aster to crash onto Xander. In order to save his friends, Groot encases them in a cage of wood, protecting them but seemingly sacrificing his life in the process.

Ronan, who had survive the crash, emerges from the wreck. Quill distracts him by dancing long enough for Drax to destroy the Ronan's hammer. Before it can touch the ground, Quill catches it, but the power is too much for him. The rest of the Guardians take his hands, allowing them to share the burden and direct the power onto Ronan, destroying him.

Gamora replaces the stone in the Orb, and Quill gives it to Yondu as agreed, though he warns him not to open it due to the Stone's power. Yondu's Crew leave Xandar, leaving Quill behind. Once they have left, Quill reveals that he had swapped the containers and he still has the Stone.

The group, now calling themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy, give the Orb to Nova Prime and leave Xandar on board the Milano, which had been repaired by the Nova Corps. Rocket had managed to salvage a single twig from Groot's body, which he has has planted and it's already beginning to grow into an infant version of Groot.