Loki falls to Ginnungagap

Life, Death

2/6 18:00

When Thor shatters the The Rainbow Bridge, the explosion pushes Loki off the bridge, only saved by Odin when he manages to catch onto Gungnir.

However, realising that he has failed to win Odin's approval, and will likely face severe consequences for his actions, Loki is overwhealmed by despair and choses to let go and fall into ginnungagap.

His family believe he has died, but his Jotun physiognimy allows him to survive and he drifts in space, eventually being found by Thanos.

Related Location
The Rainbow Bridge
Related timelines & articles
Loki's Life (article)
Timeline of Asgard (article)
2.3 Thor: Exile (article)
Canon Timeline
Timestone Timeline
Thor's Life (article)
Original Timeline