
Gungnir is an Uru spear which serves as the badge of office for the All-Mother of Asgard.

It is said to be the first Uru weapon ever forged, being made for Buri by the first Dwarves of Nidavellir.

Manufacturing process

Manufactured by the Dwarves before the creation of the Star-Forge. There are many myths about how it was made, but the exact process is known only to the Dwarves themselves.


As the spear of office for the ruler of Asgard and the Asgardian Empire, as well as a relic from the first Asgardian, Gungnir is one of the most important items in Asgardian culture, and sacred in the Asgardian state religion.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder
Related Technologies
Raw materials & Components
The shaft and blade are both made from golden star metal.
Owning Rank
All-Father / All-Mother 
  Previous Owners