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There is no exaggeration in the bold claim that Ubtao founded Mezro. The great god of the Chultans built the core of the city himself, the temple and amphitheater rising first from the chaos of the jungle. Mezro was to be the place where all the people of Chult could learn how to pass through the maze of life, how best to reach the heart of all and discover the true nature of the world. It became that. Yet Mezro also became a place where thieves and charlatans preyed upon pilgrims, where men and women and children came to beg Ubtao's help with the most insignificant of problems. Ubtao created the barae to help him deal with those distractions, to resolve the petty demands of the throng. The seven barae were chosen from the citizens of Mezro and gifted with special powers. Over time, the barae became the rulers and defenders of the city, as well, but that was after Ubtao left the Chultans to find their own way in the world.
For it is also true the Chultan tried to make Ubtao a household god, a god who had to prove his worth by healing old men's aching joints, by settling arguments over the ownership of goats, by proving each and every day that his power could be used to make life easy. But Ubtao, who created the labyrinth that is this earthly world, made the Chultan to live there. He stayed in Mezro to teach them how to best pass through the maze, but he would not destroy the everyday trials that were its walls. Finally there came a day when Ubtao said, "If the people wish to cry and complain rather than listen to my wisdom, then so be it. I will leave them to wander the maze of life without my guidance." Then he returned to his home in the sky and refused to speak to his people again while they were mortal. And that is why a Chultan must die before he may meet his maker.   From The Eternal Life of Mezro by King Osaw I, called "the Wise" by his beloved subjects: ruler of Mezro, negus negusti, and bara of Ubtao.
  The great city of Mezro rivaled some of the most "civilized" population centers in Faerun. While not equal in size to vast trading cities like Waterdeep, Mezro had built over its 4,000-year history a vast collection of knowledge and technology. It was home to 15,000 citizens, with a transient population of traders and travelers adding between 3,000 and 5,000. Mezro was, at the time of its destruction, ruled by King Osaw I and his advisors. Osaw had ruled for more than 1,000 years. Until around 1363 DR, a magical wall hid Mezro from the outside world. The enchantment made the city appear as jungle to any looking down on it from the air. Those who wandered too close to the wall found themselves under the influence of a powerful confusion spell that sent them off into the jungle for hours without any clear sense of when or where they got lost.

As Mezro is considered a holy city to those Chultans who worship Ubtao, attacks against pilgrims, priests, or monuments to the deity are dealt with harshly. Worship of other gods was welcome in Mezro, but slights or insults directed at Ubtao earned the offending party angry rebukes. Anyone who breaks Mezro's laws were immediately branded on the forehead with a blue triangle and exiled. Anyone trying to re-enter the city once branded was be assigned months of public labor.


Mezro was ruled by the Barae - These seven men and women, the mighty paladins of Ubtao, are chosen by their god to defend the holy city of Mezro.


Mezro was literally built by the god Ubtao around 4000 years ago, as the seat from which he would teach the people how to properly walk the maze of life. Some time shortly thereafter, he created the original seven Barae, of who the only survivor is Ras Nsi. As the centuries passed and the barae took on Ubtao's day-to-day responsibilities, Mezro was frequently the target of attacks from the various tribes that lived in Chult. Two of these attacks are notable. The first, centuries ago was by a tribe called the Eschowe. The Eschowe were nearly successful in conquering Mezro, and took their toll in many lives. In response, the bara Ras Nsi raised all the dead into a great army and swept through Chult, wiping the Eschowe from existence. For this attrocity he was exiled by his fellow barae and for centuries he waited in the jungles until his beloved Mezro needed him again. Some time after this, Mezro was hidden by a magic wall, as described above, which was dropped in the mid 1300s DR. The second attack came shortly thereafter, when Ras Nsi decided he could no longer trust the barae to defend his city, as they had needlessly exposed it to the dangers of the world by dropping the shield. He attempted to conquer the city with his undead army, and was narrowly defeated. Two years later the city was destroyed by the Spellplague.
Since the end of the spellplague, and particularly after the Merchant Princes freed Port Nyanzaru from Amnian control, the mercenaries of the Flaming Fist have occupied the ruins of Mezro to loot for valuables and to use as their personal training ground.


Mezro was built along the River Olung, which served as its southern and western borders. Thick jungle was found on the east and north. The city was circular and divided into four quarters by wide avenues stemming from the Temple of Ubtao at the center.

Agricultural Quarter

  This quarter was located in the southeast. It was divided up into farms, fields, and groves for growing bananas, berries, cassavas, nuts, papayas, plantains, sorghum, yams, and various medicinal plants. Honey was also produced here. The land was magically enhanced to ensure fertile crops. Small dinosaurs were common in this area of the city.

Residential Quarter

  This quarter was located in the southwest. It was a literal maze of simple, one-story, adobe-style houses. Most Mezroans lived here. The byways were of sand with rushes.

Market Quarter

  This quarter was located in the northwest. Here were found craftsmen, hostels, inns, and various smiths. Also located here was the famous amphitheater built by Ubtao himself.

Scholars' Quarter

  This quarter was located in the northeast. It contained the Library of Mezro, the College of Wizards, and the Warriors' Training Ground. It was full of other schools as well, as the city educated every child in math, history, and literacy, and guilds were not present there to teach crafts.

1386 DR

Founding Date
-2637 DR
15,000 (at peak)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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