Cohort Theta-2 Organization in The Twilight Imperium (Genesys) | World Anvil

Cohort Theta-2

A Keleres Cohort, newly formed, consisting of the latest nine recruits to the Keleres:

  • Commander Kirex Dar Solaris, their Captain, a female Letnev who truly believes in the Keleres cause.
  • Adagian Il Seem, a trained Keleres Liaison who is also a male, a Winnu, and suspected of dabbling in two factions.
  • Syr Myrreni, a Creuss but a well trained Keleres Investigator who seems to be hiding something.
  • Gaalos Nu, the disgraced Hylar academic, now trained to be the team's Field Scholar.
  • Kullona Aun Vrakk Aul Orak, a mysterious Shikrai Trail Stalker. This guy comes highly recommended but we have nothing on his past.
  • Ignis, a Gashlai who had been an Orbital Drop Soldier, and is now seconded to the Keleres, obligated to serve out their career here.
  • Khajiit, a strange case, this one. She's a Hacan female, a Wayfarer and pretty profitable in her trades. She volunteered.
  • Kkatano, a female Xxcha who came to us for work. She's a Shepherd by trade, but something went down that wrecked her chance at work.
  • S'otrassa, a female Druaa and gifted Covert Infiltrator, but suspected of dancing with more than one partner, if you get my drift.

  • Structure

    Adventuring Party
    Parent Organization

    Cover image: by mroceannn


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